Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes

Food Blog 272

One of my all time favorite desserts has got to be cheesecake.  I love the graham cracker crust and all that cream cheese goodness in every bite.  Then one day, while in one of my gluttonous moods, I thought to myself…what if I took the delicious glory of cheesecake and transform it into a cupcake?  Voila, thus came the creation of the all mighty “strawberry cheesecake cupcakes”.  In some instances I would almost have to say that these are better than cheesecake, with the cream cheese goodness in the icing, graham cracker crust for the bottom, AND THEN a moist vanilla cake with fresh strawberries in every bite!!!  *Exhales* I am in foodie heaven.


Ingredients for Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes

  • 3/4 c all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 t baking powder
  • 1/4 t salt
  • 6 T unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1/2 c + 1 T sugar
  • 1/2 t vanilla
  • 1/4 c sour cream or plain yogurt
  • 2 large egg whites
  • 1/4 cup fresh strawberries, hulled & coarsely chopped
  • 1 package of graham crackers, smashed into crumbs

Ingredients for Cream Cheese Frosting:

  • 4-oz cream cheese, softened
  • 4 T butter, softened
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup sifted confectioners’ sugar

Food Blog 277

Preheat oven to 350 F and prepare 6 – 8 muffin tins.  Sprinkle about 1 t of the crushed graham cracker into the bottom of each prepared muffin tin.
In a small bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder & salt. In a large bowl, cream together butter & sugar until light & fluffy and then add the vanilla & beat on a low-speed.  Then add half the flour mixture until incorporated then mix in the sour cream or yogurt.  Add remaining flour & mix until just blended.
In another bowl beat the egg whites until stiff, glossy peak appear, about 2 minutes. Gently fold 1/3 of the egg into the batter until combined, do not over mix the egg whites or the cake will fall flat. Add remaining egg and fold in the chopped strawberries.  Fill each muffin tin about 3/4 of the way and bake for about 20 minutes depending on your oven.   You can test the doneness by sticking a toothpick through the center, if it comes out clean it is ready to take out!

In a large mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese, butter and vanilla together until smooth. Add the sugar and on low speed, beat until incorporated. Increase the speed to high and mix until very light and fluffy.  Spread icing on cupcakes and garnish with fresh cut strawberries — yields 6-8 cupcakes.

23 thoughts on “Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes

  1. Angie says:

    Yum! I loved it when you posted pictures of these. It’s on my to-make list, as soon as I move into my new apartment…

    Also, just for inspiration, a favorite food blog:

  2. Elissa says:

    Really? You just need only ONE graham cracker for this recipe?

  3. Country Mum says:

    Like the idea of combining cake and creamy cheesecake. Will be on my list to try

  4. Diana says:

    How long do you bake them for? These look delicious!

    • Joy Zhang says:

      Sorry I didnt include that in there how silly of me haha. I would bake them for ~ 20 minutes I have made revisions on the blog. Hope you enjoy them! 🙂

  5. melissa says:

    o woww. they look great. ill try making these for the holidays.

  6. Mr. P says:

    They look amazing!

    Really beautiful pictures. (I am so embarrassed about the ones I took for my Oreo cupcakes!)

    You shall have to give me some tips!

  7. These look amazing! I can’t wait to try!

  8. Sami says:

    wow those cupcakes look amazing!

  9. Joycie says:

    This might sound silly but this is my first time making something from scratch…don’t u feel honored =P .< wish me luck!

  10. […] actually the same as the frosting I used for the Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes which you can find here.  To make the cake you will probably have to make at least 5-6 batches of the icing.  If you have […]

  11. […] of the cupcakes — you can find the recipe for caramel here and the cream cheese frosting here and the candied carrots here.  The rest is pretty self explanatory and use your creativity to see […]

  12. Kristin says:

    These came out very delicious! I made them last night to bring into work with me today for Valentine’s day.

    I had to double/triple the recipe to get enough to bring to work so that everyone could enjoy them. A couple things happened though. Maybe my butter wasn’t soft enough but I had to add a lot more sour cream than the recipe called for so that it was the proper consistency. I also may have over worked the egg whites. the cakes didn’t rise as much as expected, and the cupcake wrappers were basically falling off them. They were however extremely rich/dense and very delicious. I got many compliments. They are definitely a great mix between a cake and a cheesecake. YUM. Thanks for the recipe!

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