Tag Archives: dessert

Balsamic Roasted Strawberries with Creme Fraiche Ice Cream

Since being back from our Europe trip I’ve realized the solace of one’s home is often forsaken.  We seldom take the time to appreciate the commonplace of our lives, the comfort, security  the simplicity that comes along.  Instead I often find myself dreaming of traveling to a far away land and touching foot in every corner of this world.  I dream of colors, sounds, smells; I imagine the people, their faces, their clothes, their language.  Yet at the end of the day, I realize all my heart truly wants is some sense of peace.

I find in my (late) twenties I’ve fallen into a period of confusion.  A seemingly backwards evolution from my cheeky and egotistical adolescent years.  What had happened??  How is it that the older I become, the more I begin to realize how little I actually know?  The more answers I get the more follow up questions I have.  Everything is suddenly backwards where I actually beg my parents to lecture me, because YES I am finally ready after all these years to receive their wisdom. It’s hard to find and maintain the perfect balance between love, work and self preservation.

Recent influx of work has taken time away from the kitchen.  It’s been fun, exciting and exhilarating, yet at the end of the day I felt like something was missing.    It wasn’t until I got back from our vacation that I realized how deeply rooted I am with food.  As much as I enjoy a nice dinner at a restaurant, I can’t help but be that control freak when preparing my meals. Since being back I’ve done nothing but cook in the kitchen — getting back to the rhythm, feeling my food, enjoying the beauty of self preservation. I relish in working directly with the ingredients I cook with — feeling them, smelling them, tasting them — it’s become this deep connection between my heart and the earth and the result?  A beautiful recipe.

I bought these organic strawberries last Friday and then left town for the weekend, completely forgot about them and come around Tuesday they were not at their best.  What to do with these slightly wilted beauties?  They only have a few wrinkles after all.  I could’ve easily tossed them in the trash but I managed to salvage the little life they had left and transformed it into something blissful.  The best way to salvage old fruit?  Roast them.

Roast them with a little cinnamon and sugar or I tossed mine in some Balsamic Vinegar from Modena Italy (available through Artizone) and brown sugar.  The sugar, vinegar and juices from the berries caramelize into a luxurious fruity and tangy reduction — perfect over some rich and creamy creme fraiche ice cream.

Balsamic Roasted Strawberries with Creme Fraiche Ice Cream
Recipe Type: Dessert
Author: Joy Zhang
Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: 10 mins
Total time: 15 mins
Serves: 4
Balsamic Roasted Strawberries with Creme Fraiche Ice Cream adapted from Epicurious
  • 2 pint baskets strawberries, stems removed
  • 3 tablespoons raw sugar
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 2 cups Creme Fraiche Ice Cream
  1. Rinse the strawberries in cool water, place in a strainer or colander, and shake off most of the water. Slice the strawberries about 1/8 inch thick, place them in a large bowl, and sprinkle them with the sugar.
  2. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Toss the strawberries with the balsamic vinegar, and put the strawberries and all of their juices into a large saute pan or a large ovenproof dish. Roast for 8 to 10 minutes, until the juices are bubbling and the strawberries are hot but not mushy. Divide among individual dishes and serve with a scoop of Creme Fraiche Ice Cream (1/2 cup per serving). Serve immediately.
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Candied Ginger Cookies with Dark Chocolate Ganache

A few months an excerpt from the Wallstreet Journal caught my eye: “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior” which was written about Amy Chua, a Chinese-American mother/lawyer/author about her controversial parenting guide titled “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother”.

While the general population took great offense to what her book had to say, in many ways I completely related to her experiences and even further, the excerpts lead me to a moment of clarity about the constant conflicting relationship with my father.    I was that girl who practiced piano an hour a day, attended summer school every year since I was 4 and when homework was done, there was more assigned work — ranging from advanced math problems to memorizing new vocabulary words.

While my mom was mostly in charge of teaching me manners, how to maintain a household and how to cook, my dad was in charge of school work, piano and art.  I’d remember he’d be so intense about grades – “Straight As or nothing!”  Any time I knew I had a possible B coming up on a report card I’d cry on the way home, my stomach would be wrangled with anxiety. I remember one time I even tried to smudge my B with an eraser – “Joy what does this say?  Why can’t I see this letter??” I never got away with anything.

And that’s what it’d always felt like — I was a constant disappointment and everything I ever did always felt like it was never good enough.  It was always “You know, Nancy’s son Michael, he’s going to Duke and making $70,000 a year from stock, how come you don’t do this?” or “You hear about Jenny?  She won 4 piano contests.  FOUR how come you do not win?” For the longest time I held that grudge against my father, I couldn’t wrap my mind around why he couldn’t be a positive parent like all my non-Chinese friends’ parents were.  It seemed as if my friends could do no wrong, if they made a B they never got grounded or yelled at – some even got money for Bs.  At school recitals the parents would always congratulate them on what a good job they did while my dad would point out “I heard that mistake towards the middle.”  They even didn’t have to practice, like ever – while I had to be stuck at home on weekends playing endless hours of scales, chords, and Bach.

But then that moment of clarity hit me like a ton of bricks: it was never about him being disappointed in me, it was his hope that his daughter could exceed what he felt were her own limitations.  He pushed me because he wanted me to reach my personal best and I was just too afraid.  Afraid of failure, afraid of disappointment, whatever it was, I often regret for not trying harder.  My parents came to the states at the end of the Cultural Revolution with one goal in mind: to succeed in this new country and provide a promising future for their child.  There was no time for fancy family vacations, birthday parties at Chuck E Cheese, or new outfits every season; instead the money was saved for my piano lessons, summer school and all the books I could possibly want.

Sure there were problems with some of my parents’ parenting styles, but what parent is perfect? They try with their best intentions with all the hope that their children will have a good future.  When Collin and I settle down to have kids, I hope to combine the best of our two cultures, The Eastern and the Western, into something beautiful.

I wished for my parents to adopt Western parenting so much as a child and I realized it was mostly for the constant open affection: the I Love Yous, the hugs, the kisses.  Whereas Eastern parenting mostly lacks such affection – for my dad to utter I love you would be like pulling teeth.  I remembered my mom being almost embarrassed when I’d give her hugs and kisses but after years of my constant coaxing she now hugs me so hard sometimes it hurts (she has ungodly strong arms).

With Eastern parenting it’s the constant push and discipline with just the right amount of negativity, enough to drive the child’s need to be the best and dedicate themselves fully to any tasks they commit themselves to.  I wanted to quit piano so many times as a child but my parents never let me until I left the house, I didn’t understand why until now.  My god do I thank them for it.  Dad might’ve been tough on me but now I understand why he’d accept nothing less, because his daughter has half his brain and anything with half his genes has to be damn smart because he is by far the most intense and studious man EVER (he really is).  But what I learned from him is to never settle for mediocrity and to commit every ounce of yourself to a task you’ve committed your heart to and excel at it.

This cookie recipe made me think of dad: a soft, crumbly ginger spiced cookie with a bold dark chocolate ganache.   Though during my childhood (especially during adolescence) we often butted heads, what started off bitter ended up sweet.  The heart mends itself when you allow it to feel compassion towards others and being able to relate to other perspectives besides your own.

Ingredients for Ginger Shortbread Cookies with Dark Chocolate Ganache (about 18 sandwich cookies)

Prep time: 15 minutes; Total cooking time: 1 hour

  • 2 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon cardamom
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons freshly grated orange zest
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/3 cup coarsely chopped crystallized ginger, plus ¼ cup for garnish
  • 1 tablespoon raw sugar

Combine flour, sugar, spices and salt in medium bowl. Combine crystallized ginger and 1 tablespoon sugar on work surface; chop finely.

Using electric mixer, beat butter in large bowl until light. Add orange zest and vanilla. Beat in crystallized ginger mixture. Beat dry ingredients into butter mixture in 4 additions. Transfer dough to floured work surface and divide it in half into two 6-inch logs. Shape each log into 2x1x6-inch-long rectangular log. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate for an hour.

Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly butter 2 large baking sheets and cut 1/3-inch-thick pieces from each dough log.  Transfer the cookies to prepared baking sheets, spacing 1 inch apart (cookies will spread slightly during baking). Mix raw sugar and reserved ¼ cup of chopped crystallized ginger in small bowl, set aside. Place cookies in oven and after 10 minutes sprinkle sugared ginger mixture on top of cookies and bake until golden brown on edges, about 8-10 minutes longer. Cool cookies on baking sheets, about 3 minutes. Using a spatula, transfer cookies to racks. Cool completely and sandwich with Dark Chocolate Ganache.

Chocolate Ganache

  • 8 ounces of high quality dark chocolate, cut into small pieces
  • ¾ cup heavy whipping cream
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter

Place the chopped chocolate in a medium sized bowl and set aside.  Heat the cream and butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat until almost boiling, about 3-4 minutes.  Immediately pour hot cream over the chocolate and allow to stand for 5 minutes.  Stir until smooth and allow to cool for 10 minutes before spreading.

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Minneola Tangelo Scones

As many of you know, Collin and I will be embarking on a 3 week adventure through Europe at the end of April.  Instead of having a large extravagant wedding, we opted to spend most of our wedding budget on a trip for ourselves.  Yeah what can I say, we’re SELFISH.  But ever since I was a wee tot, traveling to Europe has been a dream of mine – the beautiful castles atop rolling hills in Germany, the open markets tucked away in the streets of Italy, the glorious architecture and the magnificent art museums scattered throughout – oh be still my heart, the time is almost near!

Traveling is one of my favorite ways to learn about a country’s culture – through the food, the people and the arts I never leave a new place the same person as I came.  This constant need for discovery and my adventurous spirit is continuously fueled by the mesmerizing places in the World I’d eventually like to discover with an ultimate goal of setting foot on all 7 continents, yes even Antarctica (solidarity is beautiful). 

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POM Wonderful 5-Course Dinner

The almighty pomegranate is native from Iran to the Himalayas and  has been cultivated throughout the Mediterranean region of Asia, Africa and Europe.  This mystical fruit with its healing properties and majestic apperance has been featured in Egyptian mythology and art, praised in the Old Testament of the Bible and referenced in the Babylonian Talmud*.   It has even gained distinction as a royal fruit in the literatures of Chaucer, Shakespeare and Homer*.   Pomegranate fruits contain maximum health benefits best known for its concentrated levels of antioxidants and its ability to combat LDL cholesterol and lowering blood pressure. 

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Creme Brulee with Citrus, Cardamom and Star Anise

I apologize for the lack of entries lately — I’ve been completely invested in spending most of my time with my mom, because she’s my favorite.  It’s hard to believe that her visit is soon coming to an end, a week to be exact.  The entire situation still seems surreal to me.  I’m hoping that the day of, I don’t have a complete mental meltdown and cling to my mother’s leg screaming “NO DON’T LEAVE DONT DO IT!” as she’s trying to get out of the car to catch her plane, but I’m not making any promises.  ^_^

It’s been a blast though — we’ve been sharing recipes, she’ll cook her Chinese dishes and I’ll cook her some French American dishes — one of her favorites discoveries has been the creme brulee.  She kept Ooooing and AAAaaahing over this recipe so I figure I’d share it with yall, it’s pretty epic not gonna lie.  Aside from that she’s been feeding me traditional Chinese medicines that make my stomach churn but I take it anyways because apparently it’s good for me (or so she claims). It’s just unfortunate that most of the concoctions she makes taste like feet…   just kidding mom, you’re the best! But seriously, I’ve spent a lot of time figuring out her secret of staying forever young.  I’ll share pictures soon, you’ll see what I mean…

One of the first desserts I learned working in at a French restaurant was the Creme Brulee and Souffle.  Souffle is definitely the more temperamental dessert and the failure rate is much higher than creme brulee — so we’ll warm up to that recipe later.  I love this creme brulee recipe because of its soft delicate texture and of course everyone’s favorite part: the crunchy burnt sugar on top, hence it’s latter name — burnt cream.   Plus it always adds a dash of sophistication and excitement to any dinner party when you bust out the torch!  I mean seriously guys, who doesn’t like a little fire show?

Ingredients for Citrus Cardamom Creme Brulee:

  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 2 cardamom pods
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 4 star anise
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated orange zest
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated lemon zest
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated lime zest
  • 4 tablespoons raw sugar

Preheat oven to 260 degrees F (150 degrees C) and line the bottom of a large baking pan with water.  Bring a large pot of water to boil. In a saucepan over medium heat, combine cream, cardamom, citrus zest and 1/4 cup sugar and salt stirring occasionally 4 to 5 minutes, until steam rises. In a medium bowl, beat egg yolks and vanilla until smooth. Pour hot cream into yolks, a little at a time, stirring constantly, until all cream is incorporated. Pour mixture into four 6 oz. ramekins.

Place ramekins in the baking dish with water and cover the whole pan loosely with foil.  , and place dish on oven rack. Pour boiling water into dish to halfway up the sides of the ramekins. Cover whole pan loosely with foil. Bake 60 to 75 minutes in the preheated oven, until custard is just set. Chill ramekins in refrigerator 4 to 6 hours.  Before serving, sprinkle 1 tablespoon of raw sugar over each custard. Use a kitchen torch or oven broiler to brown top, 2 to 3 minutes.

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Sugar Donut Muffins

Sorry for being MIA lately, I’ve found myself very busy during the holidays all of a sudden.  I had a wonderful time in Michigan, which I still need to post pictures for and I just started my new job as a pastry chef/line chef at a wonderful little place called Mealtime Market.  Also I have not started any Christmas shopping and I still have two rounds of gifts to make!

This Saturday I will be doing my event for Foodbuzz where I will be touring with friends on a trip to the Dallas Farmer’s Market where we will discover locally farmed produce as well as meet with farmers and learn how to pick out good quality fruits and vegetables.  This will be my first 24,24,24 experience so I am really looking forward to it!

Here is a beautiful portrait of my fiance and family, I am not only fortunate to have a supportive,loving, perfect partner but I have been blessed with his wonderful family as well.  They have become my second home away from home and I am so lucky to have them in my life.  I love my Wells!

When I saw these delectable little treats from Ju, who has a delightful blog at The Little Teochew, I couldn’t help but jump in and make these for myself.    I mean the name alone made my mouth water, Sugar Donut Muffins.  Speaking of donuts, one of my very best friends Tam adores donuts.  It’s one of her favorite foods so I would like to dedicate this post to her! 🙂

I really enjoyed these a lot, sometimes I feel like muffins/cupcakes are too heavy and granted they may be delicious going down, afterwards I always feel guilty and end up hating myself as a result.  Well fear no longer folks, these muffins are delicious and quite “light” in my opinion.  It’s a simple moist yellow cake and you dust it with a little bit of sugar at the very end.  The texture and flavor is very consistent to that of a cake donut.  It goes great with coffee and I even put some in the freezer so I can warm them up in the mornings — what better way to start the day than with a delightful treat?

Ingredients for Sugar Donut Muffins:

Makes 1 dozen muffins
(from Baking Bites)
– 3/4 cup sugar
– 1 large egg
– 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
– 2 tsp baking power
– 1/4 tsp salt
– 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg (I didn’t have this, unfortunately)
– 1/4 cup vegetable oil
– 3/4 cup milk (low fat is fine)
– 1 tsp vanilla extract

For the sugar frosting

– 2 tbsp butter, melted
– 1/2 cup sugar, for rolling

1. Preheat oven to 350F (about 175 degree celsius). Lightly grease a muffin tin with cooking spray or vegetable oil.

2. In a large bowl, beat together sugar and egg until light in color.

3. In a small bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, salt and nutmeg.

4. Pour into egg mixture and stir to combine.

5. Pour in vegetable oil, milk and vanilla extract.

6. Divide batter evenly into 10 muffin cups, filling each about 3/4 full. Bake for 15-18 minutes, until a tester inserted into the center comes out clean.

7. While muffins are baking, melt butter and pour remaining sugar into a small bowl.

8. When muffins are done, lightly brush the top of each with some melted butter, remove from the pan and roll in sugar. Cool on a wire rack.

Nom nom nom — hope you guys enjoy this one!  Many thanks again to Ju who shared this wonderful recipe and props to Nicole from Baking Bites who originally posted the recipe.  Stay tuned for my 24,24,24 — discovering Dallas’ Farmer’s Market and MORE homemade holiday presents 🙂

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Black Sesame Cookies

I started getting gray hair when I was 12, and now at 24 I’m about a quarter gray.  I am lucky to have a mother who’s a hairstylist that dyes my hair to hide my secrets, she is worried I will go completely gray before her.  The time a person develops gray hair is dependent on your genes, but my mother is convinced it’s because I have a deficiency in my body.  So for years she made me eat black sesame seeds claiming it would restore pigment into my hair.  Going back home this time around she gave me another tub of ground sesame seeds “You don’t forget to eat hei zi ma (black sesame seeds) it is good for grey hair!” I never argue with my mother, I hear they know best 🙂

Granted, black sesame seeds don’t seem to have slowed down my gray hair production it does have a lot of healthy nutritional benefits.  They are high in many minerals like iron magnesium and calcium which help promote bone and joint strength.  In Chinese medicine, black sesame is used to promote health to the kidney and liver, and to treat constipation and promote regular bowel movements! T.M.I.? Perhaps…but you’ll be thanking me when these cookies make you regular 🙂

Ingredients for Black Sesame Cookies:

  • 3/4 cup vegetable shortening
  • 1 1/4 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 3/4 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2/4 tsp baking soda
  • 2 cup black sesame seeds, ground

Preheat oven to 375F.

In a large bowl, beat shortening and sugar with electric mixer at medium speed until light and fluffy.  beat in vanilla and egg.  In another bowl mix the flour, salt and baking soda.  Slowly incorporate dry mixture with wet mixture, be careful not to over beat the batter or it will change the texture of the cookie.  Dump in the ground sesame and mix until evenly dispersed throughout cookie dough.  Drop tablespoonfuls 2-inches apart onto greased cookie sheets.  Bake 8-10 minutes for chewy cookies or 11-13 for crisp cookies.  Remove from oven and cool on cooling rack.  Makes 3 dozen cookies.

Prep Time: 10 minutes   Total Cooking Time: 20-23 minutes

Who says cookies aren’t good for you?  These are also a great recipe for vegans, I have recently switched to vegetable shortening instead of butter because it contains less saturated fat than butter does.  It also increases the shelf life for cookies and it does not need to be refrigerated.  In the past, vegetable shortening has gotten criticism for containing trans fat but there are a lot of products out there that do not contain trans fat like Crisco All-Vegetable Shortening Sticks.  I also felt it gave my cookie a much lighter and crumb-ly texture than usual — I like it!

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    Warm Mixed Berry Crumb Cake

    Food Blog 183

    Have you ever had one of those desserts that are so addicting that you could finish off the whole darn thing if no one was standing around to judge you? Every time I make this cake my fiance, Collin polishes the entire thing off within the first night.  It has never made it to see a second day hahaha.

    I found this wonderful recipe on Food and Wine and just fell in love with it.  It is so delectable and would be perfect for the upcoming Holidays.  This week I will be featuring Thanksgiving food since it is right around the corner!  I am having my annual feast this weekend with friends and family so there will be a lot of good stuff posted this week 🙂 Be sure to stay posted!

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    Ingredients for Berry Filling:

    • 3 pounds strawberries, hulled and halved (8 cups) **I used 2 pounds strawberries, 1 pint of blueberries (Thanks Kristan ^_^)
    • 1/2 cup sugar
    • 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
    • 2 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch dissolved in 2 1/2 tablespoons of water

    Preheat the oven to 350F.

    In a large bowl, toss the strawberries with the sugar, lemon juice, cornstarch mixture and allow the berries to stand for 30 minutes, until the juices of the berries have been drawn out a bit.   Pour the fruit filling into a 9-by-13-inch glass or ceramic baking dish and set on a sturdy baking sheet to catch any overflowing cake batter or crumbles.  Meanwhile make the crumble topping.

    In the original recipe, it asks to add fresh vanilla bean.  They are quite pricey so I decided to leave them out, you can always use a teaspoon of vanilla extract instead.


    Ingredients for Crumb Topping:

    • 1/2 cup lightly packed light brown sugar
    • 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
    • Pinch of salt
    • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, cubed and chilled


    Mix all of the ingredients in a medium bowl.  Using your fingers, break the butter and form the mixture into a coarse clumps or “crumbles”.

    Ingredients for Cake:

    • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    • 1 tablespoon baking powder
    • 3/4 teaspoon salt
    • 1 stick unsalted butter, softened
    • 1 1/4 cups sugar
    • 3 large eggs
    • 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 3/4 cups buttermilk


    Mix the flour, baking powder and salt thoroughly in a medium bowl.   In a  beat the butter with the sugar at medium-high speed until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well between additions. Beat in the vanilla extract and scrape down the bowl. Add the dry ingredients to the batter in 3 additions, alternating with the buttermilk.  If you do not have buttermilk, you can use yogurt as a substitute!


    Spread the batter over the fruit filling to the edges of the baking dish.  Sprinkle generously with the crumb topping and bake in the center of the oven for 1 hour and 15 minutes.  The fruit filling will be bubbling, the crumb topping should be golden and test the doneness by sticking a toothpick into the center of the cake.  If it comes out clean it is done! Allow the cake to cool on a cooling rack.  You can serve it warm with a scoop of ice cream or eat it plain.

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    This dessert is an absolute delight — it has a delicious crunchy topping with a moist crumble cake hidden underneath.  After breaking into the crust, the rich fragrance of the mixed berries rushes to your nose.  In every bite you get the warm berry filling with the gooey yellow cake with the nice buttery crunch at the end.

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    You honestly can’t stop eating it, my fiance is living proof.  He walked up to the empty cake pan last night and looked upon it with sad eyes and said to me ” Why is there never any leftovers for this cake?” — that’s because you eat it all Collin :).

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    Caramelized Pear Phyllo with Vanilla Ice Cream and Honey

    Food Blog 028

    So this is the last of my pears that I bought, yes I am JUST NOW finishing them.  Perhaps buying so many pears may not have been the best idea seeing that it is just me and my fiance but they’re so versatile you can use them in anything.  But I think the best way is to use pears would be in desserts, I love how they transform in flavor and texture once they are poached or baked.  It simply melts in your mouth and the flavor of the pear seems to be accentuated.  For this recipe, I poached some pears in a red wine mixture, wrapped it in phyllo and sprinkled it with some sugar and butter so it’d have a caramelization effect.  The warm crunchy pear phyllo pairs great with the cold and creamy vanilla ice cream — a pear a la mode! 🙂


    Ingredients for Caramelized Pear Phyllo:

    • 12 sheets phyllo dough, defrosted (12″ x 18″ sheets)
    • 6 large pears, peeled, cored and halved
    • 2 cups red wine
    • 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
    • 1/2 cup brown sugar
    • 2 cups water
    • 2 cinnamon sticks
    • 2 tablespoon cloves
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla
    • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
    • 4 tablespoons butter, melted
    • 2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    Food Blog 083

    For the pears, in a large pot place add the wine, vinegar, water, sugar, and spices and heat mixture at medium heat until sugar is dissolved, about 5 minutes.  Cook at a low medium heat where the liquid is barely simmering, (if it is bubbling lower the heat) and carefully add the pears. Cook for about 15- 20 minutes until the pears are soft and are a nice red color from the wine.  Remove pears from the poaching liquid and set aside to cool.


    Pre-heat oven at 375F.

    Take the cooled pears and slice them in half horizontally so they can be layered with the phyllo.  Mix the melted butter, brown sugar and ground cinnamon together in a bowl. Line a large baking pan with parchment paper or foil and butter the bottom.  Lay down two strips of the phyllo dough and brush with butter mixture.  Lay down the pear slices and repeat with the phyllo dough process until the entire pan is filled ot the top.  Sprinkle the very top with some brown sugar and place in the oven for 30 minutes or until phyllo is a crispy golden brown.

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    Cut the Pear Phyllo into squares and serve hot with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and drizzle it with some honey.  The crunchy carmelized phyllo pears great with the spiced pears and creamy vanilla ice cream — you have a great combination of not only textures but a nice contrast in flavors as well.

    If you want to serve it they way I have pictured, simple cut the phyllo with some metal rounds or if you do not own any, use the mouth of a large wine glass!  Carefully move the round to a plate andtop with ice cream and garnish with the crispy sides of the phyllo dough.  This is actually a really healthy dessert, the phyllo is low in fat and so are the pears — to save calories skip the ice cream and use low fat yogurt instead 🙂

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    Chocolate Layer Cake with Ganache

    Food Blog 049

    Holy moly geez o pete, if you’re a chocolate lover this cake is definitely for you.  Even if you’re not a chocolate lover THIS CAKE IS FOR YOU.  I know this may sound crazy, but I am really not a fan of chocolate but let me tell you what, this is one cake that I can bury my face in and eat til its gone.  I actually got this recipe from Bailey’s Prime Plus for the short time I was a pastry chef there.  The cake is so moist and decadent, every bite is a mouthful of heaven.  I definitely think the secret is the coffee, it really brings out the richness of the cocoa and paired with the silky chocolate mousse nestled in between the cake layers…honestly, what could be better?  I also added a ganache topping and spiked it with brandy because I am firm believer that liqours and dessert should always go together, it just kicks it up a notch.  🙂


    Ingredients for Chocolate Cake:

    • 1 3/4 cup All-Purpose flour
    • 2 cup sugar
    • 1/2 c cocoa powder
    • 1 teaspoon baking powder
    • 1 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 cup milk
    • 1/2 cup canola oil
    • 1 cup coffee

    Preheat the oven to 350F.

    For the chocolate cake, mix all of the dry ingredients together so they are evenly distributed.  Add the wet ingredients one at a time as listed, until full incorporated.  This ensures the batter comes out nice and smooth. Take a springfoam pan like the one pictured below or a standard 9-inch round pan and line the bottom with parchment paper.  Pour the batter about 3/4 of the way, leaving room for the cake to rise when baking.  Place in the oven for 35 minutes, you can check the doneness by inserting a toothpick in the middle, if it comes out clean it is ready.  Allow to cool and place in the freezer.  (This makes the cake easier to cut)



    Ingredients for Chocolate Mousse:

    • 12 oz semi sweet chocolate chips
    • 2 tablespoon unsalted butter
    • 2 tablespoon sugar
    • 4 large egg whites (room temperature)
    • 1 cup heavy whipping cream (cold)
    • 2 teaspoon vanilla extract

    For the chocolate mousse, place the chocolate chips and butter in a double boiler as pictured below.  Simply heat water in a large pot at medium heat and place a mixing bowl over it.  This helps you melt the chocolate and butter without burning it.  Be cautious of letting the water boil, it could potentially get inside the bowl with the chocolate and butter and that is a BIG no-no. Once melted and mixed thoroughly, set aside and cool to room temperature.


    Meanwhile, whip the egg whites until they are firm and hold peaks and add the sugar.  Be careful not to over whip the egg whites, they should be shiny and smooth, not chunky.  Also make sure the bowl you are whipping your egg whites in is dry and contains no water or any liquid — this ensures that your whites will form peaks or else you’ll be whipping until your arm falls off with no results.

    Mix the melted chocolate with your egg whites in a folding motion — you do not want to over mix or you will flatten your egg whites and that will make your mousse “goopy”. Whip the cream and when partially stiff add the vanilla.  Once it is thick fold it into chocolate egg white mixture.  Set aside.


    Ingredients for Chocolate Ganache:

    • 8 oz semi sweet chocolate chips
    • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
    • 3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
    • 1 tablespoon brandy

    For the Chocolate Ganace, heat the cream and butter in medium sauce pan at medium heat.  Add the brandy once the cream begins to bubble and pour over chocolate chips.  Mix until all ingredients are incorporated.

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    Take the cake out from the freezer.  If you are using a spring foam pan fill it with the chocolate mousse to the top and place it back into the freezer.

    If you are using the standard 9 inch pan flip it upside down onto a flat surface with parchment paper.  If you have a torch, torch the sides and bottom of the pan, this will release the cake from the pan.  If you do not own a torch, take a paring knife along the edges of the pan and firmly tap the pan upside down, the cake should pop out.    Then cut the cake in half horizontally — the easiest way to do this is to trace where you want to cut first around the edges of the cake and then cut into it the rest of the way.  I use to just cut it without tracing and ended up with uneven, unhappy cake pieces.

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    Another reason why you place the cakes in the freezer is so that the ganache frosting comes out nice and shiny.  If the cake is warm, the icing comes out dull.  Place one of the cake halves onto a wire rack and spread the top with chocolate mousse and place the other half on top. It is important that the cake is on a wire rack so the ganache can drip through.   Carefully pour the ganache ontop of the cake, starting from the center and allowing it to drip down the sides.


    You can garnish the cake however you like, I chose to use raspberry and some left over cream cheese frosting from the cupcakes I made last weekend.  Please excuse my poor decorative icing skills hahaha :)!


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